Thursday, February 5, 2009

remember me

don't know what's more important. memory or substance. as in, what do i remember in my conversation with my mother vs. what were we really talking about. and then, let's not forget this other dynamic that gets in the way. huh? the question? why? where? was i there? were you? love, love, love. that's what i keep reminding myself. all about love.

1 comment:

Skanky Jane said...

it's been a long time...Skanky Jane went AWOL for quite some time but now that we have found her again the BBox crew promise never to be so slack again. We deeply regret, most of all, not posting Nik's wonderful paintings and exhibition work. So, just to let you know, we haven't forgotten you, no matter how submerged we've been ...and we love you lots! SJ'z BBox crew xx