Monday, December 31, 2007

momentum not momentous

boy. all i had to do was hit return twice and my title became my subject and my post. that's how it is these days. momentum. all about gaining it. weird thing is, i'd like to gain momentum in my work, find that sweep across the horizon, ride the comet trail, the crest of the wave where the sensation of the ride is what it's all about, not the place you arrive. happy new year, y''all.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

weapons of mass construction

i need my gum, my cigaretttes, my bobby pins, my simone de beauvoir,
my selective memory, my rich, dark chocolate, my dreams, every one
of them,and a few more. i need my lover to love me even when she does,
my massive assault on social injustice timed just right to make an impact,
that element of surprise, no backlash just flashbacks, the good ones,
no enemy, just cause and justice. a glass of fine wine or two or three, a friend i
haven't seen in years, and then i don't need much of anything really. just to be.
at home. in love. ya' know?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Brother, sister, where art thou?

The streets are slick with rain and I keep wondering where we went wrong.
Not when or why, because the when, the why, doesn’t matter any more. The why is why not?

I drive the snowy roads and remember that wintry day, the white out,
our photograph on the front page of the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Barely daylight,
there we were throwing snowballs, in the front yard on Highland Avenue. Happy. Our lives on fire. We were one.
