Friday, December 11, 2009

Quote Unquote

"You will be born
with a powerful
innate desire
to remain alive.
You will do almost anything
to continue living.
At some point
you may discover
some limits,
and allow your life
to end."

the meaning of life

Thursday, October 1, 2009

this is it

this stranger among us
this you
this me
too strange
among us
this us
is this it?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

wondering why

you stand there wondering why you're
staring at a canvas...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

gravitational pull

the gray of black too silver
like a sleek fishing lure
take the bait, i'm the catch
the elusive flicker
of the deep

swimming past the century
that severs life in half
darting in
and out
of time
in lame attempts
of swift escapes
from savage ways
that ravage
every last bit
flesh and bone and wit

nothing more left to lift
with spirit disconnect and
all the years, a lengthy narrative
of amphibious roles I played.
tell me now. was it all an act?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

the last stand

one word. that place you've always been
generation after generation. and then
don't stop. why the miles and miles when
it was only the next step? the motion
hardly physics.

Monday, July 13, 2009

ahead of his time

Richard Yates had true courage to write the truth no matter how painful or unpopular, to live the truth no matter how short lived, to expose the hypocrises of the American Dream.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

zipcode art

curious how grants are so lopsided, favoring counties.
aside from the obvious fact that the county designates
funding, why should it matter where the artist comes
from? what happened to the art? that's what i want to know.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


"Names no longer apply and he can't find a satisfactory substitute. All the limits and expectations and experiential bullshit people bring to nomenclature, like the attitude copped when they hear the name of their first lover, their estranged mother, their crazy aunt or their incorrigible ex-husband. No one is truly different because name, rank, profession are always reminiscent of someone else’s identity, someone else’s station in life. You are only true to yourself, he thinks, that is, if you’re capable of it."

Friday, June 5, 2009

ruff ruff

i talked to her over the phone
and she licked it. my mother told me
she was just back from the vet, a pound lighter,
with a nice, soft crew cut. my brother asked me about
the parakeet we had when we grew up. the one that
used to ride around on the back of daisy maidle,
our pup. davey crockett, i told him. but of course.

Monday, May 25, 2009


longing to be a visual artist
words so tired, so poor, so arrested.
not sure what being a writer means any more.
without an attention span what's left?
recording for the sake of it
validating the alphabet
creating new syntax
for what?

Friday, May 8, 2009

why not?

there's always this vague suggestion
of meaninglessness masquerading as dependency.
i don't know what to do with it
because of course it's meaningful,
and there's no path, nothing
circumscribed, nothing definitive.
there's now and then there's
nothing and we're supposed to figure
out how to navigate in between.
that thought, that touch, that sound,
that space, that breath. this is it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

the calm...

where is my mother?
backward, forward, that rocking motion.
we become accustomed to it. expect the shift.
a member of the hemlock society in its nascent years,
now she is projectile, a missile with a programmed
target and the ability to forget.

Friday, April 10, 2009

time out

all add up to the disappearing act.
the one you long to pull,
to become, to succumb to.

Monday, March 2, 2009

best friend

“If he really thinks about it, he doesn’t exactly hate Mark. It isn’t in his vocabulary to hate a man he loved so much for so long. While he might have the impulse to kill him, he doesn’t harbor the kind of animosity that inspires violence. It comes from some other place, that unknowing place where chaos presides and hangs in the air, waiting to explode."